Homemade Anti Ageing Face 


These are some homemade anti ageing face mask . your skin bright & clean.

 Skin Brightening mask 

Ingredients only three use for these mask

Yogurt ,

 it's such an excellent ingredients because it's carboxylic acid that helps remove dead skin

Ground Almonds ,

Almond are rich in vitamin E that not only

 Moisturizer the skin but is additionally a natural antioxidant


As we all realize it is rich in vitamin C and is additionally an excellent skin brightening agent .


  • Almond powder 2 tsp
  • Yogurt 1 tsp
  • Lime 1 tsp

So once you have all of your ingredients ready , mix them during a small bowl

, add a touch water then apply with a brush everywhere your face . you'll wait it 20 minutes for the combination to dry then remove it .

2 skin Tightening mask 

 Second recipe works wonders for face tightening and again ,only need three simple ingredients .

1 . 1 albumen ,

 Egg whites help in reducing the dimensions of your skin pores also as skin tightening and toning due to the enzyme that holds . it's also great remove dead skin

2 gram flour ,

Helps reduce blemishes also as brightening and tightening it also make great face scrub .

3 Turmeric,

 As we all realize it is in anti bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent and has various medical quality for both inside our body and out of doors

So once you have all of your ingredients ready , mix them during a small bowl and apply with a brush everywhere your face gently. you'll wait up 20 minutes for the combination to dry then remove it with water.