Home Remedies for long eyelashes

Olive and castor oil

Both olive and purgative have tons of antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids required to stimulate faster hair growth. Therefore, a combination of these both works miraculously.


  • Olive oil: 1-2 drops
  • Castor oil: 1-2 drops
  • Cotton swab


Mix both castor and olive oil.

Apply this on your lashes with the assistance of cotton swab very carefully.

Leave it overnight and wash your face within the morning.

For best results, use this every night.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera may be a wonderful source of nutrients and vitamins that are vital for hair growth. It has vitamin A, B, C and E that promote hair growth and make your lashes prettier.


  • Aloe vera gel: 1 tablespoon
  • Oil: a few drops
  • clean mascara wand


Mix the aloe vera gel and oil.

Using a clean, fresh mascara wand, apply it to your eyelashes.

Let it absorb full then wash.

Do this remedy every other day.

Coconut oil

coconut oil is used for hair care due to its penetrating effect, which helps prevent loss of hair proteins . Hence, it's going to even be wont to treat thinning and damaged eyelashes and aid their regrowth.

However, be careful while using coconut oil as it may leave an oily film on your lashes that weighs them down 


 You will need 1 teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil and a bunch of cotton swabs. Before applying the oil, cleanse your lashes . Dip a cotton swab in copra oil and apply it along your upper and lower lash lines. Avoid getting the oil into your eyes. Leave the oil on overnight. Rinse it off the following morning.